Friday, July 5, 2019

PulversPriorBriar's Human Folly/Human Tragedy Series Pipes

(Pulvers' Briar) Inspired by Peterson's 2012 Titanic Commemorative, which so whimsically celebrated the drowning deaths of 1500 innocent people who only wanted to enjoy a voyage on an "unsinkable" ship, we will twist, turn and swivel our way through history, pin pointing some of mankind's greatest follies, resulting inevitably in human tragedy. In collaboration with New Mexico artisan Don Gillmore (maker of the renowned Don Warren pipes) we hope to present these emblems of folly with the same sense of whimsy and wryness that certainly must have driven Peterson .
Our first offering is The Apple, representing our specie's very first reported refusal at accepting good advice while insisting on indulging in the ingesting of a handsome, shiny looking forbidden fruit, and thus getting expelled from Eden, forever. Continued

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