Tuesday, July 9, 2019

G4 Fizzy (All White) Snus Review

(Snubie) … If you aren't familiar with G4, this is how Swedish Match describes it: "More than 150 years ago General was launched as loose snus. In the 80s, portion snus and thus the second generation of General came out. G.3, launched in 2014, was the third generation with higher strength and pouches in the Slim format for lower drip and an optimized fit.
Now we present G.4 – the fourth generation of snus from General and our latest step in developing the snus of the future. With G.4 we were able to create a completely white pouch with the same consistency and feeling as traditional White Portion snus, but without any taste of tobacco. We call this format All White. Through a composition of fiber and a small share of white tobacco, G.4 is an All White snus before, during, and after use." Continued

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