Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Labors of the Land


(David Savona) I hope you’re smoking a handmade cigar as you read this blog. You know that the robusto, corona gorda or perfecto that you’re puffing was made by hand, but you might not have a full idea of just how much hand labor went into its creation. And I bet you didn’t realize that the hand labor started long before the cigar was a cigar. I was going through some old files the other day, and I came across a video I shot two years ago, when I was in northern Nicaragua. I spent a day in the fields of Jalapa, a beautiful place known for growing some of Nicaragua’s finest wrapper leaves. It’s a gorgeous spot, with vibrant fields of green leaves, bright blue skies, clear and cold streams, and gently sloped mountains covered in vegetation. And it’s a fine place to grow tobacco. Continued

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