Friday, June 15, 2012

Philip Morris USA, Reynolds Raise Cigarette Prices

(CSN) In a move that was not completely unexpected, Philip Morris USA has increased its cigarette list price 6 cents across all its brands. The hike, which is equals approximately 2 to 3 percent, goes into effect Monday, June 18. Continued

(Winston-Salem Journal) R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. said Thursday it will raise the list price on seven of its cigarette brands by 6 cents, effective Monday.
The list price is geared toward wholesale and direct-buying customers.
Reynolds spokesman David Howard said the brands affected by the increase are Camel, Doral, GPC, Kool, Pall Mall, Salem and Winston brands. It is raising the list price on Camel Snus, a smokeless tobacco product, by 10 cents a tin. Continued

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