Monday, March 7, 2011

Five Brothers, Where art thou?

Five Brothers isn't your father's tobacco, or your grandfather's, it's your great-grandfather's smoke, and it ain't full of any little girly, underpantsy, pink doily, tea-party ingredients like vanilla or honeydew or moisture, either. No sir, it's just good old Kentucky tobacco, cut to a shag, and stuffed in a pouch. It smokes fast, tastes like burning tobacco leaves (of all things!), and bringeth a peace that passeth all understanding.
One problem though, it's getting very hard to find. My usual online suppliers have been out for weeks, and my local tobacconist has never even heard of the stuff. I did find one source online, Cigar Town. I'd never heard of them, but I really, really wanted some Five Brothers, so I took a chance and bought 12 pouches, which is the only quantity available. Cigar Town shipped my order within 24 or so hours, my tobacco arriving several days later. Twelve pouches sounds like a lot of tobacco (it comes out to a little under a pound), but the whole thing, including shipping, was only thirty-six dollars or 3 bucks a pouch.
By the way, if you haven't had Five Brothers in some time, you may be amused to hear that it now comes in a foil pouch and actually contains a modicum of moisture. It still has that great old taste (something akin to a Gawith rope/twist tobacco), and it still smokes like a champ. I recommend this tobacco highly and with some urgency. Considering that the product's natural demographic went out with the Grand Army of the Republic, who knows how long it will be around?

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