Saturday, March 12, 2011

English Tobacco Blends and Latakia Blends - One in the Same?

(Bob Tate) ... English blends were originally called English blends because they were made in Great Britain and also because of the old, now repealed, Tobacco Purity Laws that had to be adhered to in Great Britain at the time. Because of the purity laws, all additives to tobacco blends were very restricted and very limited. You could not add much, if any, flavorings to the tobacco; and additives such as preservatives, humectants, etc. were not allowed. Therefore all of the English blends back then were considered pure tobacco blends. All blends that were produced in Britain at that time had to fit within the parameters of the purity laws and were all considered English blends. Continued

Photo: Mr. Weller Senior Illus. in: The Characters of Charles Dickens pourtrayed in a series of original water colour sketches by "Kyd".

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