Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Introducing Paul’s Pipes: An Interview with Paul Menard

(tobaccopipes.com) Paul Menard is a Renaissance Man, more so than anyone I’ve spoken with in a long time.
Over the course of a nearly two hour interview, our conversation moved seamlessly from tobacco pipes to books. I listened with no small amount of envy as he spoke of living among the redwood trees and learning secrets of artisan pipe-making from contemporary greats. We even dipped our toes into a bit of philosophy.
Paul’s faith is strong and it fuels his work. He believes every day is a gift and every burst of creativity a precious thing.
With a perfectionist’s unyielding determination, he crafts raw pieces of briar and manzanita into the most sacred offerings he can dream up. There is a thoughtfulness in the way he explains his process that translates into every pipe. Continued

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