Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Weird Man's Tobacco


(At the Back of the Hill) Once in a while I light up a bowl of Sam's Blend by Cornell & Diehl, Inc.
This is against my better judgment, because both during the smoke and afterwards the chances of women running away from me screaming hysterically are pretty much a safe bet.
Not that this has happened yet, but I know it is only a matter of time.
And seeing as I am still trying to lure a woman into my net ("come here, sweetie, you wanna smell like an off-shore oil-rig?"), you will readily understand that setting fire to a pipe-full of a tobacco mixture which is composed of all the foulest things in Christendom is not a good idea.
Certainly not a bright thing to do.
But it's very good indeed.
Weird man's tobacco. Continued

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