Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cigar lover lights up a new-old business

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (Charleston Gazette) Brad Mayo's Jameson Cigar Co. straddles two worlds: one new and the other old.
The new, always-on wired world makes a large part of his business possible. Internet purchases are a significant chunk of his trade as he makes sales 24/7 across the continent to people and shops on the hunt for custom-designed cigars.
Plus, there's the iPad, which the 29-year-old Mayo uses as a cash register for walk-in sales and to play the tunes heard in his retail shop at Heritage Village, a stone's throw from the Ohio River.
The old world is represented by his old-school cigars, hand-made in centuries-old fashion in a small factory in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Continued

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