Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Mystery of Balkan Blends

( A number of terms used in our hobby represent slippery concepts. 
 Cavendish, for example, isn't a type of tobacco so much as a process, and discussions centering on the topic can veer into confusion when different participants adhere to different interpretations. 
 Latakia has its problems as well. It is made from Oriental leaf, but once smoke cured we call it Latakia, and again a process is responsible for what is typically identified as a different product. 
 American tobacco was, from a European perspective, anything with aromatic toppings, at least until recent history. 
 English tobacco is, for many, anything with Latakia in it, while for others, English tobaccos are any blends without flavorings, a result of English purity laws. Continued

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