Sunday, November 16, 2014

About Vulcanite Pipe Stems


(Talking Tobacco) Very few things in life are perfect. Bacon is wonderful, but if you go just a little past the ideal level of crisp, you wind up with burnt bacon. Life is full of these “close, but not perfect” things. Some things that fall into this category are vulcanite (ebonite, hard rubber) stems.
They offer a number of distinct advantages over acrylic stems. They aren’t as hard or slick, so they’re easier to use if you clench. They’re also a bit softer, which I find more comfortable, and for the most part, they can be made a little thinner than acrylic. The two drawbacks, however, can be a deal-breaker for some people – they don’t offer much in the way of color, and they require more maintenance. Continued

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