Friday, July 27, 2012

Ask The Tobacco Guru

(G. L. Pease) The weather has been strange. So much so that my typical summer smoking patterns have been interrupted by days of chill air and even near-rain surrounding the punishing heat of strong sunshine following moist mornings. Those who follow along closely know that my whim turns to different tobacco styles depending on the atmosphere, and on a daily basis, any attempt to predict what’s likely to find its way satisfactorily into my briars has been a multi-sided coin toss. One day last week, I decided that if I didn’t smoke up some of my longer-aged cigars, they’d probably incinerate themselves in order to escape the heat, so I enjoyed some fascinatingly mature smokes, but by that evening, I was back to the pipe. Continued

Photo: G. L. Pease relaxing on the deck of his yacht "Escooboo."

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