Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired - Hot Pressed Tobacco

(Pips Magazine) ... Per Georg Jensen, Mac Baren Product Manager (and all-around Mac Baren Evangelist), tells Pipes Magazine; "’English Tobaccos’ are typically thought of as tobacco blends that contain Latakia. This is not always correct. To us, English Tobaccos are those made using the old-style English production methods. The new HH Old Dark Fired does not contain Latakia, but we consider it an English blend as it is made using the steam press. The tobaccos marry faster and in a completely different way than what we normally produce. In short, they alter the taste. This blend is a heavy/strong tobacco with a lot of vitamin N. The smoking ability is a smooth, round taste without any bite. You can taste the smoke notes from the dark fired Kentucky. This tobacco should satisfy the smokers of heavy English flakes … you really feel the smoke. Old Dark Fired is the first chapter of the new English legacy…" Continued

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