Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Scent of a Fine Cigar

(Cigars Direct) A wisp of fragrance transported me 30 years and 3,000 miles to the backyard of my childhood where my brother, sister, mother and I would sit on our swing looking for the first star to light the warm evening sky, wrapped in the sweet pungent smoke of my father's Cigar. All those years later at a hotel in northern Massachusetts, although I was dead on my feet as I stepped out of the company car after a long day of seminars, training sessions, meetings and a power dinner, I was home, safe, relaxed. At first I was confused, what had caused such a poignant memory? Continued

Photo: May Newman playing cigar box banjo she made: Palatka, Florida, circa 1925 (State Library and Archives of Florida).

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