Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Epiphany by Cornell and Diehl Tobacco Review

(SPT) ... Cornell and Diehl classifies this as an English blend, and while that is perfectly fair, in my mind it falls under another category that I have yet to figure out a good name for. The tobaccos I place in this undefined category are the unpretentious, easy-smoking, all-day blends that won’t appeal to the purists or elitists, aren’t sweet, gooey, or flavored enough to appeal to aromatic lovers, and don’t contain enough of any one of their components call them a “Virginia blend” or a “Burley blend.” They were the “Over the Counter blends” back when all tobacco was sold over the counter. But I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to confuse a blend like Cornell and Diehl Epiphany with today’s OTC blends. Continued

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