Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Travel Well with a High-End Cigar Trunk

(Cigar Aficionado) If you could swim to the bottom of the ocean, explore the sunken ruins of the Titanic or Lusitania, and wade through the first-class cargo hold, you’d no doubt descend upon piles and piles of steamer trunks crafted by Louis Vuitton, Goyard and T.T.Trunks. Well, maybe not T.T.Trunks. While Louis Vuitton and Goyard have been outfitting high-society since the 1800s, T.T.Trunks has been doing it for less than 10 years, but you’d never know it judging by its classic construction. One can quibble over which house of design is the most exclusive, though all three produce customized cigar trunks dedicated to the well-being of your cigar collection and at the same time they make sure your smokes travel in higher style than you do. Continued

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