Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tobacco Tongue: Maybe its not your fault

I'm willing to bet that most people who take up pipe smoking, and then quit, do so because it inflames their mouths. There are three basic ways to smoke tobacco: through a paper tube (cigarettes), through a tobacco leaf tube (cigar), or through a bent wooden or mineral tube (pipe), but only the pipe is infamous for giving the smoker "tongue bite." Why is that?
All kinds of self-appointed experts have offered up all kinds of explanations for tongue bite, mostly involving some error by the pipe smoker: you got cheap tobacco, you got a cheap pipe, you over-packed your pipe, you packed your pipe too loosely, you’re a Pisces, it goes on and on. My favorite is the poor technique accusation, as if pipe smoking was somehow a complicated task. There are so many reasons given for tongue bite that I am disinclined to believe any of them. I’m much more inclined to believe one of my own three theories:

1. Tongue bite is inherent to pipe smoking. Not much we can do about that.

2. Something in the manufacturing process of pipe tobacco makes it bitey. I have noticed that the least processed tobaccos (Five Brothers, or Samuel Gawith Brown No.4 Twist, for example), bite very little, but the more refined and/or flavored the tobacco, the more its likely to bite me. If that's the case, maybe we should stop blaming the smoker and ask the manufacturers one simple question: Could you make your tobacco less irritating? Which brings me to my next theory.

3. There's no money in making better tobaccos. Reading various online smoking forums has led me to believe that pipe smokers can be a tightfisted lot. Now it's very nice that pipe smokers aren't as ostentatious as cigar smokers, but there is such a thing as being too frugal. In the U.S., where pipe tobacco is still lightly taxed, people will howl if a tin of tobacco goes for much more than $10, heck, some scream if it costs more than $5. Maybe it is our fault after-all, but just maybe. Somehow, they manage to make cheap cigars and cigarettes that won't take the roof of your mouth off, so why not pipe tobacco?

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