Friday, September 24, 2010

New York Cigar From Alec Bradley

(Cigar Aficionado) New York tobacconists are under the yoke of a draconian new tobacco tax—75 percent of the wholesale cost of a cigar, one of the highest taxes on cigars in the United States—so Alan Rubin of Alec Bradley Cigar Co. is coming out with a cigar just for New York cigar shops.
"It's a cigar we're only going to sell at New York retailers," said Rubin. Although he was born and raised in Florida, his mother is from Queens and his father is from Canarsie and Brighton Beach. "With New York getting hammered [by taxes] as much as it is, it's good timing." Continued

Photos: New York's iconic Flatiron Building was home to a United Cigar Stores branch for years.

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