Wednesday, September 22, 2010

From Bad Rap to Fine Art: Smoking has become a connoisseur’s pleasure

(AgouraHillsPatch) ... These days, smoking is less a habit than a hobby, a slice of the good life, something like sipping coffee or tasting wine. Stores such as Sam's Tobacco Shop and Cigar & Cigarettes Shop give aficionados of the pipe, cigar and cigarette a place where they can fine-tune their palates and gather with like-minded enthusiasts.
Some people pop in, cars left running in the parking lot, to purchase their favorite smokes. A friend of mine runs into the Smoke Zone for Sherman's—delicate dark brown cigarettes presented in an attractive brown box with tissue paper. The aroma, even for a nonsmoker like me, is intoxicating. Continued

1 comment:

Electronic Sally said...

Isn't that is what smoking has always been?!?!?!?