Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cavendish: Chameleon of Components

( The story goes that this distinctive type of tobacco originated in 1585, during a visit to the English colony of Virginia made by Admiral Sir Richard Grenville and Sir Thomas Cavendish at the crown's request. The pair were presented with a gift of tobacco, and Cavendish wished to return to England with it for sale and promotion. Presumably to prevent it from drying out and/or to sweeten the smoke, he infused it with dark rum (or sugar, depending on who you ask) from his own personal supply, after which he rolled the leaves and bound them tightly with canvas and twine. Weeks passed, the tobacco was cut in slices and smoked, and to the astonishment of the sailors, the flavor had significantly improved; the smoke was sweeter, milder, and more fragrant. Continued

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