Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jamaica Tobacco growers arise - Farmers revive the once flourishing sector

(Jamaica Gleaner) In some circles tobacco is described as the fastest-growing cash crop in Jamaica.
A yet to be officially released survey by the Rural Agriculture Development Authority (RADA) found just under 600 farmers in the trade in 2010; up from an estimated 30 less than a decade ago.
A total of 573 farmers were reportedly interviewed during the RADA survey with the highest concentration found in St Elizabeth and St Ann.
It is hard work for the farmers and the quality of the local produce makes it not acceptable to international producers of cigarettes and cigars.
But the money to be earned from tobacco farming continues to make it attractive for farmers in the communities within the Burnt Savannah to Mountainside belt in St Elizabeth where it is an ingrained element of the culture. Continued

Also in the Gleaner: Consumers grab raw tobacco - 'Grabba' makes its mark 

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