Tuesday, August 2, 2011

China Kangtai Cactus Co-Develops New Cigarette for Russian Market

(BUSINESS WIRE) - China Kangtai Cactus Biotech Inc. (the "Company"), a vertically integrated grower, developer, manufacturer and marketer of a variety of cactus-based products in China, announced today that preliminary samples of its new "Tai Shan Sheng Chao" cigarette have been co-developed by China Tobacco Shandong and China Kangtai Cactus. The new cigarette products primarily target the Russian market.
The new cigarette is produced by Shandong Jinan Tobacco Company, a subsidiary of China Tobacco Shandong. China Kangtai has modified the ingredients of its original cigarette to develop a new cigarette that accommodates the unique tastes and fragrance preference of Russian cigarette smokers. The new cigarette is blended to taste similar to State Express 555 and Marlboro cigarettes.
... The "Tai Shan" cigarette, which is produced by China Tobacco Shandong, is a registered brand in China. "Sheng Chao," which was developed by China Kangtai Cactus, is a cactus-based cigarette with additional herbs and some tobacco that targets consumers who prefer low-nicotine cigarettes. Continued

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