Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gawith, Hoggarth, & Co. Bob’s Chocolate Flake Tobacco Review

(Bob Tate) The tobacco that I smoked for this review is from a 500g bulk box. I have also smoked this blend in the tinned version and it tastes and smells exactly the same. The only difference is that the flakes are much longer in the bulk version than it is in the tinned version. I didn’t measure the flakes, but I would say that the flakes are about 6 inches long in bulk version and about 3 inches long in the tinned version.
The tin aroma smells of Latakia, chocolate, and cocoa with a hint of the Lakeland essence. The Latakia aroma is light and subdued. The chocolate and cocoa aromas are also light, but they do stand out. Continued

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