Monday, May 16, 2011

Smigiel: I'll float a bill to legalize cigar shipments

(Baltimore Sun) Now that consumer shipments of premium cigars have apparently been outlawed by the 2010 General Assembly, Del. Mike Smigiel says he'll introduce a bill in this fall's special session to make them legit again.
"The comptroller's office told me they had 300 complaints already," says Smigiel, a Republican representing Cecil, Caroline, Kent and Queen Anne's counties. "I have every indication from the comptroller's office" that they'll support a change making shipments of premium cigars (often defined as more than $2 apiece) OK for Web and catalog vendors. Continued

Photo: "The brighter side of Hell. The anti-tobacco crank jumping through smoke rings" by Oliver Herford, circa 1917 (Library of Congress).

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