Monday, May 2, 2011

The smell of cigar smoke was everywhere

(Slate) ... The smell of cigar smoke was everywhere. Scott Talan, a professor at AU, opened up his second cigar of the night while leaning against a fence and taking in the panorama of celebrations.
"It's a two-cigar kind of night," he said. "I actually walked from my house to here smoking the first one. I wanted time to digest all of this and walk past the history, take it in." He wasn't predicting some end to terrorism as a result of bin Laden's death. "It's really just nice for the United States to accomplish something we've been trying to do," he said. Continued

Photo: "Six million cheers - for our sailor boys - the best ever!" Poster showing a sailor marching, cheered on by "Father Knickerbocker" representing Manhattan, and children labeled Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, and Richmond. United Cigar Stores, 1918 (Library of Congress).

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