Friday, May 27, 2011

A last visit to the G.W. Van Slyke & Horton cigar factory

I took a ride up to Red Lion yesterday to visit the last cigar factory in town before it was to be auctioned off, later that day. The place was a real museum piece, covering decade upon decade of cigar history. The local papers called it "the end of an era," though, in reality, the era had passed long ago. Van Slyke was an anachronism, selling grandpa cigars until it ran out of grandpas. I don't think they'd rolled out a new product in my lifetime, there was no web presence, not even an email address, distribution was, at least around here, sparse. It's too bad, and even though I'm not a grandpa, I liked their cigars. Here's some pictures of the place. I'll try and post a few more soon.

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