Tuesday, February 1, 2011

F. X. Smith: Cigar Manufacturer

F. X. SMITH, manufacturer, McSherrystown, was born March 21, 1843, on the old homestead in Oxford Township, this county, a grandson of John Smith and son of Joseph J. Smith, a farmer, who died in Irishtown, Penn. Joseph J. Smith was justice of the peace, settled many estates and stood high in the estimation of all who knew him. He married Mary, daughter of John Hemler, who bore him eight children: John L., Henry W., Anna (now a sister in St. Joseph’s convent, on Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia), Francis Xaverious, Andrew J., Gregory F., Samuel A. and Pius I. Our subject was educated in this county in early life, and farmed till he was eighteen years old, then went into his father’s general store in Irishtown, Penn., where he continued about fifteen years, and while there embarked in the cigar business in 1868, employing from five to twenty-five hands annually; commencing with five hands he increased his force as his business demanded. In 1877 he came to McSherrystown, Penn., and was in the cigar and leaf tobacco business in partnership with J. G. McKinny for two and three quarters years, when the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Smith assuming all the liabilities.
He then embarked in business on his own account in the fall of 1879, kept a general store and also dealt in cigars and leaf tobacco. He gave up the store October 30, 1882, and since then has engaged only in the cigar and leaf tobacco trade. He makes full lines of cigars, using nothing but the best of stock; buys tobacco in all the Eastern markets, as well as being a packer of leaf tobacco. He ships his cigars to the Eastern and Western markets. He is a benefactor to the village, for he employs on an average about 150 hands, and runs a branch factory at Irishtown, where he has twenty hands. He makes about 6,000,000 cigars annually and handles between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 outside goods. Our subject was married to Miss Louise J., daughter of Dr. William Hombach, a native of Germany, and they have eight children living: Clara, Charles, William, Anna, Joseph, Paul, Peter and Violet. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of Conowago Chapel. Politically he is a Republican; has been town councilman two years.
As a business man he is a decided success; as a citizen he is liberal and public spirited. He was in favor of the borough, and was one of the promoters and first treasurer of the building association, and one of the prime movers in starting the turnpike. He has ever been foremost in promoting the interests of McSherrystown. Mr. Smith has such a reputation on his cigars that he needs no one to travel for him in order to sell them; his goods always come up to sample; his word is his bond. His only pride is to make goods that will always give satisfaction. To-day he stands at the head of leaf dealers in this section, having an immense warehouse, holding at least 500 cases always filled with the finest seed and Havana leaf. - "History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania" Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886

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