As we come to the end of the month (and our server contracts), this site will close next Monday, January 31, 2011.
We are most grateful for the dozens of encouraging and complimentary comments, letters, messages, phone calls and suggestions concerning the closure of As to the future, we can report that while we have had discussions with a handful of companies which have interest in some aspects of our work, none have interest in continuing the site as currently formatted.
As of now, we have no plans to continue producing our Pocket Cyclopedia of Cigars either, but this is an ongoing subject of discussion. If you want a 2011 edition, now is the time . . . you can purchase one (and back issues, if desired) from the Online Store (see the navigation buttons above).
So we are here to say good-bye, and to thank our many readers for their interest and support. But au revoir is more appropriate - until we see you again - because while this site will close, our enjoyment of cigars will continue. And who knows what the future will bring? ~ Rich Perelman
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