Monday, December 20, 2010

McClelland Christmas Cheer 2007 Tobacco Review

(PipesMagazine) The tin aroma of this blend is very sweet and tangy. There is also a very strong vinegary smell that reminds me of ketchup. I have a bit of experience with McClelland tobacco blends and I know that this is a common smell in a lot of their tobacco tins and that it does not affect the flavor and room note aroma of the smoke. It goes away almost instantly upon lighting. The moisture content of this tobacco is pretty moist out of the tin and some drying time is recommended. I took a few of the broken flake pieces, fully rubbed them out, loaded my pipe, and proceeded to the charring light. Continued

Pictured: Santa Claus Caught! by Thomas Nast, circa 1892 (Library of Congress).

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