Friday, October 22, 2010

Dusting Off the Stogie's Stodgy Image

(WSJ) With its bespoke wicker chairs, neatly trimmed herbaceous borders and cool breeze, the Garden Room at the Lanesborough Hotel in London is a welcome retreat from the hustle and bustle of nearby Knightsbridge. However, if you come here seeking a spot of botany, you will be disappointed. For this verdant subterranean hideaway is arguably London's most stylish and comfortable place in which to enjoy a cigar. Yet far from being exposed to the elements, by a quirk of engineering and careful reading of planning regulations, it is all but inside. The room is covered at the top; however, a gap at the edge of the ceiling, filled with slatted glass, as well as flower-filled open sides, allows smoking to take place legally. Continued

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