Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pease Stirs the Balkan Pot

(PipesMagazine) In the on-line pipe communities, there is often passionate conversation about the classification of blend types, and in these discussions, the most impenetrable clouds of mystery seem to swirl around those blends containing Latakia. What is an "English" mixture, and how can one be distinguished from a "Balkan" style blend? The problem is that both of these terms, despite broad usage, are somewhat ambiguous, at best, and, worse, the commonly held notions of what they mean is just plain backwards. And, yes, I’ll admit up front to being one of the early champions of this wrong-headedness. What? Read on. Continued

Image: Recent Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Alonzo Cushing, seen here sporting what looks to be a Meerschaum.

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