Sunday, July 18, 2010

Balkan Sasieni Tobacco

(Pipes Magazine) Balkan Sasieni is kind of an almost famous tobacco … sort of. It’s name implies (and many have suggested, and others have disagreed) that it may be a substitute for the long gone, legendary Balkan Sobranie. I can’t tell you if it is, as I never had the opportunity to smoke Balkan Sobranie. Who cares!?! Balkan Sasieni is here and it’s great, and Balkan Sobranie no longer exists. Get over it! There’s tons and tons of awesome tobaccos and Balkan Sasieni should be on every Latakia Lover’s list. There’s no guessing what this tobacco will deliver as soon as you open the tin - Bam! There’s a smoky smoky Latakia tin aroma that immediately dispels any doubt, and makes you confident that this will be an enjoyable smoke. But wait … there’s more to it than that. Continued

Firecured had this to say on Balkan Sasieni (recorded on January 3rd): This is the most Old Testament tobacco I have ever smoked. What was Moses smoking on Mount Sinai? Balkan Sasieni. Jonah's whale emetic? Balkan Sasieni. It smells like a tire fire in the can and like a barn burning in the bowl. It's antisocial, antiestablishment, and it wouldn't surprise me if it were antifungal. It is a strong, nasty, horrible tobacco, and I love it.

Image: 4noggins

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