Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Tobacco Timeline

Timelines don't get much more comprehensive than The Tobacco Timeline, and its chock full of links too. Here's the table of contents:

Chapter 1: Discovery
Chapter 2: The Sixteenth Century--Sailors Spread the Seeds
Chapter 3: The Seventeenth Century--"The Great Age of the Pipe"
Chapter 4: The Eighteenth Century--Snuff Holds Sway
Chapter 5: The Nineteenth Century--The Age of the Cigar
Chapter 6: The Twentieth Century, 1900-1950--The Rise of the Cigarette
Chapter 7: The Twentieth Century, 1950-1999--The Battle is Joined
Chapter 8: The New Millennium

Photo: Sailor Boy Cigars c1861 (Library of Congress).

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