Saturday, January 9, 2010

Once Burned: My Five Least Favorite Tobaccos

5. Swisher Sweets: "Won't you try just a little bit harder, couldn't you try just a little bit more?"

Runner up: Black & Mild. Same old song.

4. Middleton's Cherry Blend: I don't taste any cherry. Do you taste any cherry? It says cherry, but there's no cherry. Do you taste cherry?

3. Ramback: Like smoking dried poop in a tube.

Runner up: G. L. Pease Caravan: Like smoking dried poop in a bowl.

2. Peter Stokkebye Balkan Supreme: I love this blend, but I seem to be allergic to it.

Runner-up: Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake. I'm allergic to this one too, and, in the words of Ralph Wiggum, "it tastes like burning."

1. Fire-safe cigarettes: Fire-safe, who could be against that? But nobody told us how bad they taste, and they do, especially Camels. I quit old Smokey Joe, after decades of use, and went to Marlboros, which are a barely tolerable FSC. I will never believe another safety advocate as long as I live. Mostly though, I avoid store bought smokes altogether. They can raise all the other tobacco taxes until the cows come home, but it won't change the fact that fire-safe cigarettes are the worst product ever.

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