Tuesday, January 26, 2010

La Rocca Speciale Meerschaum Lined #13

The La Rocca Speciale Meerschaum Lined #13 pipe did not appeal to me at first - it's not big enough, or bent enough, to stand out. It's not totally anything - not totally a briar, not totally a Meerschaum, not very bent, nor perfectly straight. We all know that designs that try to be all things to all people usually disappoint, but somehow, I kept coming back to this little pipe, finally buying it after days of fence sitting.
The first thing that surprised me about the Speciale 13 was how easy it sat in my hand, it is both light and well balanced. It's the kind of pipe I can carry around all day without noticing. Packing the Meerschaum bowl is simple enough and it burns whatever I put in it with ease. It's a regular little furnace (though not too hot to the touch), incinerating any and all blends, no matter how wet.
The second surprise came when it developed a persistent case of dog-breath after the first smoke. I found it very off-putting, but after running a can of aromatic tobacco (Solani Red Label) through the thing, it smokes just fine. I don't know if it was the aromatic that did the trick, or if any substantial amount of tobacco would do the same thing.
La Rocca's are an affordable line of pipes and this model is no exception, though you do have to pay more for the Meerschaum models, of course. The La Rocca family has been making pipes for three generations, says Pipedia, and is "considered one of Italy's best selling lines." Recommendation: Recommended. This pipe is both efficient and companionable, after a little breaking-in.

Photo: Cupojoes.com

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