Sunday, January 31, 2010

Know Your Tobacco Companies: Burning Away in Scandinavia

The other day, I bought what I thought were three distinct brands of tobacco, Orlik, W. Ø. Larson, and Troost, but they all turned out to be from the same corporation, Scandinavian Tobacco Group. The fact that they all come from the same place would usually be of no matter, many companies produce tobacco under different labels, but these three burned the hell out of my mouth. To add insult to injury, the same company produces Peter Stokkebye Blends, which burned the hell out of my mouth some time ago. If I had done my homework, I'd have not thrown my money away on, what for me are, caustic products. Twice burned, I now keep a Do Not Buy list of all known Scandinavian Tobacco Group brands, which you can look up at the Scandinavian Tobacco Group's website.

Image: "D'oh, another Scandinavian Tobacco Group product!" (Photo by Luc Viatour via Wikipedia)

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